Mark Hamilton explains the benefits of operating from the long term view versus the short term. Integrated Neothink Society Members have had access to the entire meeting.

10 Responses

  1. Thank you Mark Hamilton for explaining the long term, for Clubhouse Coordinators to use in their Clubhouses; I won’t compremise either, since that never works. I never waiver, since joining Neothink, nor will I start; instead I’m looking at the long term, for each member that will attend my Clubhouse

  2. I was never taught to forge ahead and not give up. The phrase I read on one of
    the trilogy books stuck to my head. Nobody ever told me that. Every time I
    wanted to give up I could hear those words in my head. It kept giving me the
    courage to keep on going.
    Thank You Mark Hamilton for the words you implanted on my brain.
    ” I will not except for you to give up”.

  3. Anything worth while may take years with no financial gains, but stick with your end goal and the laws of the universe return policies never fail.

  4. I know what your saying Mark Hamilton even though in the past I ended up on the short term. I now know that’s why my Chief Aim at age 17 was Wealth and Prosperity and how I failed at it. But I’m all the Wiser now.

  5. Through neothink society,s honesty and effort integrations, long run/long term results has justify our conclution to approach the civilization of universe, Where we were meant to be, integrating thinking.

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